Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Selling Pages Can be Sad :(

I sell pages from time to time on ebay.  Today I sold my Easter Layout so I could by some more svg files. (A way to afford my scrapbook habbit.)  It was kind of sad to see that it sold because I loved the colors so much.  I know I still have the paper and can make a similar one for my scrapbook..but it is hard to part with some of the really cute ones.  When I think of the time that goes into a page, sometime I debate selling them at all.  (But I really like SVG files from Treasurebox and Little Scraps of Heaven...so I guess I need to get over it.)


  1. I can totally understand how you feel. One of the best pages I ever made, I sold and to this day...I still miss and regret selling it. But at the time, I really needed the money, so I understand exactly how you feel! Hopefully you will have time some day to make another one just for you! That is what I tell myself :-) Melin...PaperCraftingWorld.Blogspot.com and CookingWithCricut.com

  2. I secod that feeling... sorta sad to see them go :0)
